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: 오토메이션월드 관리자 : Thu, 21 December 2023, 5:57 PM

[Industry Trends] [Smart Logistics] The solution for logistics innovation lies in robots... 'Integration' and 'Experience' are crucial for meeting on-site demands

[Smart Logistics] The solution for logistics innovation lies in robots... 'Integration' and 'Experience' are crucial for meeting on-site demands


In the logistics market in South Korea, how logistics robots are being applied and the efforts made in the South Korean logistics robot market due to hurdles in introducing logistics robots within logistics centers are examined in this article. The focus is on the demands for logistics robots in the field and the market.

Factors Blocking Change

Recently, Coupang established an automation center in Daegu. It has also been reported that Delivery Hero plans to introduce an automated logistics system for its B Market service. While these companies are outwardly praised for leading the market, how sincere are they about automation in reality?

There exists a considerable gap between the overall perspective of companies and the on-site reality. From the standpoint of corporate management, there is a pressing need for the introduction of robots, especially given the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and global supply chain issues. Consequently, they are actively pursuing robot adoption. However, in the actual work environment, the necessity of robot adoption is recognized, yet analysis indicates that practical implementation is not actively pursued due to reasons such as cost and situational factors. Why is this the case?

The factors that can be identified for this include three: fantasy, customer, and logistics. The first reason is the fantasy inherent in the word 'robot', pointing out the misconception of thinking about robots based on what is commonly encountered in cartoons, movies, and media. The limitation arises from the expectation that introducing just one robot will solve all on-site problems. Robots are sensitive and involve intricate systems, so users face numerous management issues. For instance, there must be no obstacles in the path where the robot moves, and there are limitations such as significant time and resources required for maintenance. Customers hesitate to adopt robots at the point where the fantasy is shattered upon realizing these limitations during the introduction of robots.

The second limitation of robot introduction lies in customers and users. Customers contemplating the adoption of robots are well aware of the problems they need to solve in their facilities and on-site. The issue arises from considering the introduction of robots based on expectations of solving problems, leading to problems. Even though there are alternative methods to solve on-site issues besides robots, the problem arises from the mindset of considering only robots for adoption. This problem is also a chain reaction of the issue stemming from the first reason, which is 'fantasy.' Despite the fact that a robot is not the necessary solution, the customer's decision to introduce a robot, driven by the idea of exclusively considering robots, becomes a problem. This results in disappointment after the robot is introduced. Accumulation of such experiences ultimately leads to a negative perception problem regarding robot adoption.

The last factor is the logistics industry system itself. In other industries, when a new advanced technology emerges, industry members promptly adopt that technology. However, logistics, due to its industry characteristics, requires technologies that are predictable and stable rather than innovative and creative. In the case of robots, expectations are ambiguous, and the high cost makes it unpredictable from the ROI perspective. Users prefer to operate on-site and facilities through proven systems rather than taking the risk associated with such uncertainty. This practical consideration contributes to the fact that the actual adoption of robots in the field does not occur.

To meet the demands of the field, 'integration' is necessary

"To foster further growth in the logistics robot market, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the various fields and areas within the logistics industry. Recognizing the differences in processes within each field and adapting accordingly is crucial, as the required systems vary depending on the process and location.

Once this foundation is laid, the second step involves the demand for connectivity. After specialized systems are implemented in each location, it is important for each solution to be organically connected. Ultimately, companies providing robot solutions must inevitably introduce services that ensure user convenience to the market.

In summary, customers must build solutions suitable for their processes and workflows at a reasonable cost. Companies that combine these two factors can lead the robot market and the logistics industry by bringing innovation to the market.

So, how can the demands of each customer and location be met? The answer is 'integration.' The integration of logistics expertise and experience with robots means applying accumulated pain points over time to the robots. Robot companies diagnose customer problems, provide solutions based on that diagnosis, and the entire process of solving the problem is 'integration.' Customers gain numerous experiences in each integration process, experiences necessary for making judgments that suit their needs. This is the 'Robot Experience.' Robot Experience is expected to become a focal point in industries and markets.

Robot Experience consists of components such as providing robots, solutions offering technology and infrastructure for managing robots, and services providing cost estimation, implementation support, and post-management for robot implementation. In the field, robots are crucial, solution providers are essential for on-site management, and services are prioritized by business executives. The overarching concept that encompasses all of these is the Robot Experience.

Floatic’s ‘Robot Experience’

The robot experience of Floatic has positioned "speed" and "ease" as solutions to key values such as barriers to entry, diversification of services, and connectivity, including fantasy, customer, and logistics. Floatic possesses robots, servers, software, and more offered in this context.

Field workers need easy operation and predictability since they manage robots through consoles. Floatic provides intuitiveness for workers by offering visualization for robots, easy algorithms, and more. On the administrative side, managers utilize tools designed for them, eliminating the need for workers to use algorithms. Productivity is crucial at the key points of the process, combining their experience, workforce, and robots.

By providing heatmaps for different dates and waves, Floatic allows for varied process configurations using the same robot system. This gives managers the opportunity to intervene in decision-making for easy and effective utilization of manpower and robots for each task. To enhance productivity, algorithms for each task must be sophisticated, and Floatic offers features like "load balancing" to prevent bottlenecks at each stage.

Floatic also satisfies decision-makers with decision-making authority over the introduction of automation solutions in terms of ROI. The pain point here is the incurred cost, as information and data about cost were previously limited. Floatic's solution provides executives with sufficient information for investment decisions. If the robot can operate in the facility environment, robot implementation can be achieved at minimal cost. Floatic's standardized API facilitates the utilization of necessary data for order execution, reducing the introduction period when integrated with APIs.

[Smart Logistics-②] The solution for logistics innovation lies in robots... 'Integration' and 'Experience' are crucial for meeting on-site demands (hellot.net)

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